CWiB Role Model: Circle Financial Group’s Mary Ann Casati

Mary Ann Casati

By Pilar Cervantes, ’14Mary Ann Casati

Earlier this month, a select group of CBS women were fortunate to attend a lunch with Mary Ann Casati (right), co-founding partner at Circle Financial Group. A former managing director at Goldman Sachs, Mary Ann developed and ran the Global Retailing Industry Investment Banking Business there. During the lunch, Mary Ann shared her experience and advice on managing professional success while taking care of her family and raising three children. Below are some of the highlights of the conversation and insights from Mary Ann:

• Take advantage of every opportunity, if you don’t do it someone else will, and you might fall behind
• Always prioritize and don’t waste time on activities that are not going to contribute to your success
• Share your life with someone who shares understands your goals and motivations and who is going to support you through your professional and personal success

Mary Ann was honest, inspiring and full of energy. It’s amazing to have her as part of the alumni network at CBS.


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Columbia Women in Business (CWIB) is an organization that strives to provide Columbia Business School women with resources and contacts to assist them in their academic, professional, and personal development. CWIB is committed to working with faculty, administrators, alumni and the greater business community to promote the role of and opportunities for women in business.
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